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Norwegian wood 


Penguin student awards cover design

Norwegian Wood final.jpg

Ad. Illustrator

Ad. InDesign

Ad. Photoshop

Laser cut


Process and meaning


This is an original design for Haruki Murakami's novel ´Norwegian Wood'. It was created in response to Penguin student awards competition.


I built the scene depicted on the cover by laser cutting pieces of wood and painting them with spray.  I decided to recreate the simple and minimalistic style of Murakami's world with very minimalistic tones.


The story is situated in the snowy mountains. Suicide is a recurring theme in this novel, thus the use of fake blood. In the story, there is a reference to future and past. The trees symbolise the future and the blood symbolise the past. The bridge symbolise the transition from one to another.

laser 3 slide scene.png

Above are examples of my preparation sketches.


I used Illustrator to create vector trails for the laser cut machine. 




Ad. Illustrator


nor 6.jpg

Cover's final photoshoot.

nor 7.jpg

Printed and bound book.

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